Unapplied payment
The status of a payment for which you can identify the customer, but you have not applied or placed on account all or part of the payment. For example, you receive a check for $1200.00 and you apply it to an open debit item for $1000.00. The remaining $200.00 is unapplied until you either apply the payment to a debit item or place the amount On Account.

Unearned discounts
Discounts your customers are allowed to take if they pay for their invoices after the discount date. (The discount date is determined by the payment terms.) You can specify at the system level whether you want to allow customers to take unearned discounts.

Unearned revenue
Revenue received and recorded as a liability or revenue before the revenue has been earned by providing goods or services to a customer.

Unidentified payment
The status of a payment for which the customer is unknown. Oracle Receivables retains unidentified payments for you to process further.

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