Intercompany Payable Invoice Numbering

The process considers the value of the profile option 'INV: Always suffix inter-Company AP invoice number'.
a) If the profile is set to 'Yes', the AP Invoice number is appended with orgId always.
b) If the profile is set to 'No', the AP Invoice number is appended with orgId if and only if that invoice number already exists in ap_invoices_all or ap_expense_report_headers_all.

If profile option is set to NULL also the AP Invoice number will not be appended with org_id.
Hence please request users to set this profile option value to Yes or No and NOT leave this as Null.

Account Payable's PPR(Payment Process Request) Status and Descriptions

This status indicates that the PPR has been successfully submitted for processing, and the AutoSelect program is digesting the criteria provided by the user on the header of the PPR in preparation of the automatic selection the invoices and memos related to that criteria.

This status indicates that the AutoSelect program is selecting the eligible invoices/memos for the payment batch based on Due Date, Discount Date, Pay Group, and other criteria provided by the user on the header of the PPR.

If no invoices or memos met the selection criteria provided by the user on the header of the PPR, the PPR is automatically terminated and the status changes to this status.

Other statuses may appear at this point in the process if the user failed to include required information on the PPR header, such as "Missing Exchange Rates", etc.

After selecting the documents (invoices/memos), they are locked to prevent other checkruns from selecting the same documents.

This status will only appear if you selected the "Stop Process for Review After Scheduled Payment Selection" option on the Processing tab of the PPR header. This status means that the PPR process has stopped and is waiting for you to review the invoices and memos that were selected for payment (and make any changes to the batch, as needed). Click on the Take Action icon to be taken to the Review Proposed Payments window.

This status will only appear if you selected the "Calculate Payment Withholding and Interest During the Scheduled Payment Selection" option on the Processing tab of the PPR header. This status means that interest and withholding tax are being calculated and applied, as necessary, to the invoices and memos selected for this payment batch.

An "interim" status, it appears after the calculation for interest and withholding has been completed, and the Build Payments program is starting. It may appear again later after the user provides any required bank account and PPP information for the invoices/memos ("documents") selected.

This status appears if you did not provide a default Internal (Disbursement) Bank Account and/or PPP on the header of the PPR. In that case, you need to click on the Take Action icon to be taken to a form where you can decide which internal bank account and PPP should be used for each invoice and memo selected for payment.

This status will only appear if you selected the "Stop Process for Review After Creation of Proposed Payments" option on the Processing tab of the PPR header. In this case, the system is waiting for you to review (and modify, if needed) the proposed payments for this batch. Click on the Take Action icon to be taken to the "Review Proposed Payments" window.

This status indicates that the proposed payments have been turned into payment instruction files. At this point, you will want to click on the Show link to view the new associated payment instruction file(s). Each payment instruction file with have their own PI Reference Number. If you have both electronic and paper ("check") payments involved in this payment batch, you will see a payment instruction file for each type of payment method.

Once the payment instructions have been transmitted/printed and confirmed, the Status of the PPR changes to this status to indicate a successfully completed payment batch (PPR).

If the user terminates a PPR any time prior to confirmation of the payments (using the Terminate icon), the status will change to "Terminated", and the PPR is permanently closed

R12 table information in web page environment / About this Page Link in OA page

Please follow the following steps to get the Supplier related table information:

Navigate to the Supplier Page
Click on the About this page link
Click Expand All
You will be seeing SuppSrchVO, SupplierVO and SitesVO
If you click on that view it will show you the query used.

To get the About this Page Link:

Please ensure the below Profile option is set to Yes at site level:

FND: Diagnostics
System Administrator > Profile > System

The FND: Diagnostics profile option controls whether the Diagnostics button is rendered.
It also controls the display of the About this Page link.

Add the below responsibilities to the user:

System Administrator > Security > User > Define

1. FND Html Forms
2. Functional Administrator
3. Functional Developer
4. Once done bounce the apache
5. Retest the issue
6. Migrate the solution to other environments as appropriate.

Journal Entries SQL

AND GLB.NAME                = '%BATCH NAME%'

Account Payables- Payables options

Accounting Methods
Expense Report
Invoice Tax
Payment Accounting
Tax Defaults and Rules
Transfer to GL
Withholding Tax

Account Payables- Financials Options

Human Resources
Supplier - Payables
Supplier - Purchasing
Supplier Entry

Account Receivables- System Options

Tax Defaults and Rules
Transactions and Customers
Revenue Policy

Account Receivables Setups

Define Set of Books (Required)
Decide How to Use the Account Generator (Required)
Define Key Flexfields (Required)
Define Organizations (Required)
Define Sales Tax Location Flex?eld Structure (Required)
Define System Options (Required)
Define Payment Terms (Required)
Open Accounting Periods (Required)
Define AutoAccounting (Required)
Define Transaction Types (Required)
Define Transaction Sources (Required)
Define Collectors (Required)
Define Approval Limits (Required)
Define Remittance Banks (Required)
Define Receivables Activities (Required)
Define Receipt Classes (Required)
Define Receipt Sources (Required)
Define Payment Methods (Required)
Define Salespersons (Required)
Define System Pro?le Options (Required)
Define Customer Pro?le Classes (Required)
Define Customers (Required)
Define Remit-To Addresses (Required)
Define Units of Measure (Required)
Set Up Tax (Required)

Define Transaction Flex?eld Structure (Optional)
Define Descriptive Flexfields (Optional)
Define AutoCash Rule Sets (Optional)
Define Receivables Lookups (Optional)
Define Demand Class Lookups (Optional)
Define Invoice Line Ordering Rules (Optional)
Define Grouping Rules (Optional)
Define Application Rule Sets (Optional)
Set Up Flexible Address Formats (Optional)
Maintain Countries and Territories (Optional)
Assign Reporting Set of Books (Optional)
Define Accounting Rules (Optional)
Set Up Cash Basis Accounting Method (Optional)
Define Distribution Sets (Optional)
Define Receipt Programs (Optional)
Define Aging Buckets (Optional)
Define Statement Cycles (Optional)
Define Standard Messages (Optional)
Define Dunning Letters (Optional)
Define Dunning Letter Sets (Optional)
Define Territories (Optional)
Define Customer Relationships (Optional)
Define Lockboxes (Optional)
Define Transmission Formats (Optional)
Define Unit of Measure Classes (Optional)
Define Standard Memo Lines (Optional)
Set Up Cross Currency Receipts (Optional)
Set Up Vendor Extension (Optional)
Define Document Sequences (Optional)

Billing Methods

Cost/Cost: Accrues revenue and bills using the ratio of actual cost to budgeted cost (percent complete)

Cost/Event: Accrues revenue using the ratio of actual cost to budgeted cost (percent complete) and bills based on events

Cost/Work: Accrues revenue using the ratio of actual cost to budgeted cost (percent complete) and bills as work occurs

Event/Event: Accrues revenue and bills based on events

Event/Work: Accrues revenue based on events and bills as work occurs

Work/Event: Accrues revenue as work occurs and bills based on events

Work/Work: Accrues revenue and bills as work occurs

Cost: POC calculation, Automatic creation
Work: Total work, Automatic creation
Event: Manual creation

POC  Revenue = Actual Cost / Budgeted Cost  X  Budgeted Revenue

Customer Information from Sales Order SQL


NVL(hcasa.translated_customer_name, hp.party_name) Customer_Name, ooha.order_number
FROM oe_order_headers_all ooha
,oe_order_lines_all oola
,hz_cust_site_uses_all hcsua
,hz_cust_acct_sites_all hcasa
,hz_parties hp
,hz_cust_accounts hca
,hz_party_sites hps
WHERE hcsua.cust_acct_site_id = hcasa.cust_acct_site_id
AND ooha.ship_to_org_id = hcsua.site_use_id(+)
AND hcsua.cust_acct_site_id= hcasa.cust_acct_site_id(+)
AND ooha.sold_to_org_id = hca.cust_account_id(+)
AND hca.party_id = hp.party_id(+)
AND hcasa.party_site_id = hps.party_site_id(+)
AND order_number = ' '


SELECT hp.party_name, hl.address1, hl.address2, hl.address3, hl.address4,
          DECODE (, NULL, NULL, || ', ')
       || DECODE (hl.state, NULL, hl.province || ', ', hl.state || ', ')
       || DECODE (hl.postal_code, NULL, NULL, hl.postal_code || ', ')
       || DECODE (, NULL, NULL, address5
  FROM (SELECT DECODE (v_site_use_code,
                       'BILL_TO', invoice_to_org_id,
                       'SHIP_TO', ship_to_org_id
                      ) site_org_id,
               org_id, sold_to_org_id
          FROM apps.oe_order_headers_all
         WHERE header_id = v_header_id) ooh,
       apps.hz_cust_accounts hca,
       apps.hz_parties hp,
       apps.hz_cust_acct_sites_all hcas,
       apps.hz_cust_site_uses_all hcsu,
       apps.hz_party_sites hps,
       apps.hz_locations hl
 WHERE ooh.sold_to_org_id = hca.cust_account_id
   AND hca.party_id = hp.party_id
   AND hca.cust_account_id = hcas.cust_account_id
   AND hcas.cust_acct_site_id = hcsu.cust_acct_site_id
   AND hcsu.site_use_id = ooh.site_org_id
   AND hcas.org_id = hcsu.org_id
   AND hcsu.org_id = ooh.org_id
   AND hcas.party_site_id = hps.party_site_id
   AND hps.location_id = hl.location_id


SELECT   ooha.header_id order_header_id,
         ooha.order_number, ooha.ordered_date,
         ooha.transactional_curr_code order_currency, hp.party_id,
         hp.party_number, hp.party_name customer_name,
         hca.cust_account_id customer_id, hca.account_number customer_number
             FROM oe_order_headers_all ooha,
                 hz_parties hp,
         hz_cust_accounts hca
   WHERE     hca.cust_account_id(+) = ooha.sold_to_org_id
     AND hp.party_id = hca.party_id
          AND ooha.order_number = :sales_order_number;


SELECT   ooha.header_id order_header_id, ottt.NAME order_type_name,
         ooha.order_number, ooha.ordered_date,
         ooha.transactional_curr_code order_currency, hp.party_id,
         hp.party_number, hp.party_name customer_name,
         hca.cust_account_id customer_id, hca.account_number customer_number,
         oola.line_id order_line_id, oola.line_number, oola.inventory_item_id,
         msib.segment1 item_number, msib.description item_desc,
         oola.attribute15 superseded_item, oola.order_quantity_uom,
         oola.ordered_quantity, oola.unit_selling_price
    FROM oe_order_headers_all ooha,
         oe_order_lines_all oola,
         oe_transaction_types_tl ottt,
         mtl_system_items_b msib,
         mtl_parameters mp,
         org_organization_definitions ood,
         hz_parties hp,
         hz_cust_accounts hca
   WHERE ooha.header_id = oola.header_id
     AND ottt.transaction_type_id(+) = ooha.order_type_id
         AND hca.cust_account_id(+) = ooha.sold_to_org_id
     AND hp.party_id = hca.party_id
     AND ooha.org_id = oola.org_id(+)
     AND msib.inventory_item_id = oola.inventory_item_id
     AND msib.organization_id = mp.master_organization_id
     AND mp.organization_id = ood.organization_id
     AND mp.master_organization_id = mp.organization_id
         AND ooha.order_number = :sales_order_number
ORDER BY ottt.NAME, ooha.order_number, oola.line_number;

AP Invoice Flow Tables 11i

 ap_invoice_distributions_all a




Rounding Account V/S Suspense Account

During Journal Import of a foreign currency journal

  1. If the currency conversion type in GL_INTERFACE is not provided, and the accounted amounts are provided, then any imbalance in the accounted amounts will go to Suspense.
  2. If the currency conversion type is provided in GL_INTERFACE for the  foreign currency journal, and the currency conversion type is User with a currency conversion rate of 1, then any imbalance in the accounted amounts will be posted to the Suspense account.
  3. If the currency conversion type is provided for a foreign currency journal, and it is not User with a rate of 1,  then and only then will the imbalance go to the rounding account.This is because when Journal Import and consequently Posting is presented with user-defined accounted amounts, GL has no way of knowing the if the difference in the accounted amounts is due to suspense or rounding. 


  1. Create Standard Invoice in AP (Enter Asset Clearing Account in Distributions(Asset Category), Validate, Create Accounting).
  2. Pay the Invoice in full (Format, Create Accounting).(Optl)
  3. Run Payables Transfer to General Ledger (Only invoices that are transferred to GL will be transferred to FA).
  4. Run Mass Addition Create in AP (GL date should be Invoice GL date).
  5. Run Mass Additions Create Report in FA (View output to confirm the process).
  6. Navigate to Prepare Mass Additions in FA (Query based on AP invoice number, change the Queue to Post, add the required fields and click on done).
  7. Navigate to Post Mass additions (Run the program).(New Asset number for the above process will be in the output file,Now the asset is ready).

PA View Security Profile

In PA to restrict the user to see only data/ expenditures pertaining to the projects for which he is a key member

Set the below profile value to "No" at Site , Responsibility and User level

PA: Cross Project User -- View --------> No
PA: Cross Project User -- Update ------> No

Prepayment Invoice

There are two types of prepayments:
Temporary and Permanent.

Temporary prepayments can be applied to invoices or expense reports you receive.
For example,you use a Temporary prepayment to pay a hotel a catering deposit. When the hotel's invoice arrives, apply the prepayment to the invoice to reduce the invoice amount you pay.

Permanent prepayments cannot be applied to invoices.
For example, you use a Permanent prepayment to pay a lease deposit for which you do not expect to be invoiced.

You can apply the available amount of Item type distributions from a Temporary type prepayment to one or more invoices to offset the amount you pay on the invoice(s). If you entered the prepayment as a Permanent type and want to apply it, you can query the prepayment in the Invoices window and change the Prepayment Type to Temporary.

Prepayment Applications Options
Prepayment on Invoice

The "Prepayment on Invoice" option is to be used only when the Invoice Amount of the Standard invoice already includes the prepayment application.
If this option is used the negative PREPAY lines and distributions are used along with the other lines and distributions when placing variance holds. When that option is not used PREPAY lines and distributions are excluded when placing variance holds.

Prepayment Applications should typically be made with the "Prepayment on Invoice" unchecked.

Prepayment Applications should not be made with the "Prepayment on Invoice" option checked unless it is certain that the prepayment amount has already been included in the Invoice Amount. 
This would mean that the SUM of the Lines and Distributions for the invoice prior to the prepayment being applied is more than the Invoice Amount.

To correct an existing application done with "Prepayment on Invoice" checked.
unapply the prepayment  application and then reapply it with the Prepayment on Invoice box unchecked.


When you enter a journal, General Ledger automatically converts any foreign currency amounts to your ledger currency. When you post journals, the converted amounts update your accounts standard balances. At the same time, General Ledger updates the corresponding aggregate balances for both your entered (foreign) and converted (ledger) currencies. These balances are used to compute your average balances.

When you revalue a balance sheet account that is denominated in a foreign currency,General Ledger automatically creates a journal entry to record the unrealized foreign exchange gain or loss. When this journal entry is posted, General Ledger updates both the standard balance and the corresponding aggregate balance of the revalued account.These updated balances are factored into the calculation of the account's average balance.

If you have average balance processing enabled, and choose to translate your accounts for consolidation or reporting purposes, General Ledger will translate both standard and average account balances to a balance-level reporting currency you specify as the reporting currency during Translation. You can translate both balances separately or in a single translation run, as part of the month-end cycle. General Ledger maintains translated balances in your balance-level reporting currencies for each day of an accounting period. When translating each day's average balances, the system multiplies the ledger currency average by the average of the daily conversion rates for the period, up to and including the current day.

Products in Oracle Projects Suite 11i

  1. Oracle Project Foundation
  2. Oracle Project Costing
  3. Oracle Project Billing
  4. Oracle Project Resource Management
  5. Oracle Project Management
  6. Oracle Project Collaboration

Oracle Project Foundation
Oracle Project Foundation provides the common foundation shared across other Project Products (costing, billing etc)
  • Set of books
  • Locations
  • Organizations
  • Calendars
  • Job Groups
  • Project Roles
  • Project Statuses
  • Project Templates
  • Extensions and Workflows
 If you have already implemented GL Application, you can skip the set up related to Set of books, Locations, Calendar etc. The above list contains only the important components

Oracle Project Costing
Oracle Project Costing is an integrated project-based cost collection, management and accounting solution that allows organizations to effectively manage projects and activities. The major components are listed below
  • Expenditure Categories
  • Revenue Categories
  • Expenditure Types
  • Transaction Sources
  • Labor Costing Extensions
  • Auto Accounting for Costing Transactions
  • Account Generators 
  • Non Labor Costing
  • Labor Cost Schedules
  • Cross Charging
  • Transfer Price Rules
 The above list is not a exhaustive one and contains only the important components

Oracle Project Billing
Oracle Project Billing can automate revenue generation, simplify client invoicing, improve your cash flow and measure the performance and profitability of Contract Projects
  • Define and assign billing assignments
  • Implement billing extensions
  • Define Agreement Types, templates
  • Define auto accounting for Revenue, Receivables, Unbilled Receivables and Unearned Revenue

Oracle Project Resource Management
PRM is an integrated project staffing application to help you to manage project resource needs, profitability and organization utilization by locating and deploying qualified resources to projects across  your enterprise.
Oracle Project Management
Project Management provides project managers the visibility and control they need to deliver their projects successfully
  • Implement Work plan
  • Define budget - types, extensions, workflow
  • Project Status Reporting (PSI)

Oracle Project Collaboration
Oracle Project Collaboration streamlines team collaboration and execution of project work.
  • Shares information with Oracle Project Management and provides a personalized view for team members
  • Define team member home page lay outs
  • The team member home page lay out promotes team collaboration by combining critical project information with daily functions of each user.
  • Facilitates document sharing
  • Quick access to common functions

Agreement on Invoice

The agreement number will be picked up based on the following logic/order:

1. Hard limit agreements will be selected before soft limit agreements
2. Expiration Date (expiring agreements have higher priority over non-expiring agreement)
3. Maximum available funding (baselined funding - billed) (agreements with more available funding will be selected before agreements with lesser balance funding)
4. Agreement Id (older agreements will be picked first than the more recently created agreements)

Say we have 2 agreements A1 and A2 and having Balance Funding amount of $10000 and $5000 respectively. Normally if if you try to generate the invoice, all others being equal it will pick agreement A1 for the invoice.

Say we need to generate an invoice for $5000 on agreement A2, then set hard limit and an expiration date on A2 and soft limit on A1, So as per the above logic A2 will be selected.

Unapply Credit Memo

In the below update statement if the PREVIOUS_CUSTOMER_TRX_ID is given as ''  it will unapply the application




Log file for AP Requests in 11i

1.Set the following profile options at your user level

FND: Diagnostics to Yes.
FND: Debug Log Enabled to Yes
FND: Debug Log Level to Statement
FND: Debug Log Mode to Asynchronous with Cross-Tier Sequencing
FND: Debug Log Module to %

2. Run the following to get the log for a specific concurrent request.

undefine v_request_id
set pagesize 9999
set linesize 9999
set trimspool on
set trimout on
spool dbug_log_file.log

Select A.module
, A.session_id
, A. process_id
, A.timestamp
, A.message_text
, A.user_id
, A.transaction_context_id
from fnd_log_messages A
,fnd_log_transaction_context b
Where a.transaction_context_id = b.transaction_context_id
And b.transaction_id in (&v_request_id);

Or Refer Note 198799.1 in metalink

AP Invoices


Credit Memo
Debit Memo
Expense Report
PO Default
Withholding Tax


Credit Memo
Debit Memo
Expense Report
Retainage Release
Transportation Invoices

Receivables Activities

11i Receivables Activities

Bank Error
Earned Discount
Finance Charge
Miscellaneous Cash
Short Term Debt
Unearned Discount
Receipt Write-off
Claim Investigation
Credit Card Refund
Payment Netting

R12 Receivables Activities

Bank Error
Earned Discount
Finance Charge
Miscellaneous Cash
Unearned Discount
Receipt Write-off
Claim Investigation
Credit Card Refund
Payment Netting
credit Card Chargeback

Receivables Accounting


When you enter a regular invoice through the Transactions window, Receivables creates the following journal entry:
DR Receivables
CR Revenue
CR Tax (if you charge tax)
CR Freight (if you charge freight)

If you enter an invoice with a Bill in Arrears invoicing rule with a three month fixed duration accounting rule, Receivables creates the following journal entries:

In the first period of the rule:
DR Unbilled Receivables
CR Revenue

In the second period of the rule:
DR Unbilled Receivables
CR Revenue

In the third and final period of the rule:
DR Unbilled Receivables
CR Revenue
DR Receivables
CR Unbilled Receivables
CR Tax (if you charge tax)
CR Freight (if you charge freight)

If you enter an invoice with a Bill in Advance invoicing rule, Receivables creates the following journal entries:
In the first period of the rule:
DR Receivables
CR Unearned Revenue
CR Tax (if you charge tax)
CR Freight (if you charge freight)
DR Unearned Revenue
CR Revenue

In all periods of the rule for the portion that is recognized.
DR Unearned Revenue
CR Revenue

Credit Memos

When you credit an invoice, debit memo, or chargeback through the Credit Transactions window, Receivables creates the following journal entry:
DR Revenue
DR Tax (if you credit tax)
DR Freight (if you credit freight)
CR Receivables (Credit Memo)
DR Receivables (Credit Memo)
CR Receivables (Invoice)

When you credit a commitment, Receivables creates the following journal entries:
DR Revenue
CR Receivables

When you enter a credit memo against an installment, Receivables lets you choose between the following methods: LIFO, FIFO, and Prorate. When you enter a credit memo against an invoice with invoicing and accounting rules, Receivables lets you choose between the following methods: LIFO, Prorate, and Unit.

If the profile option AR: Use Invoice Accounting for Credit Memos is set to Yes, Receivables credits the accounts of the original transaction. If this profile option is set to No, Receivables uses AutoAccounting to determine the Freight, Receivables, Revenue, and Tax accounts. Receivables uses the account information for on-account credits that you specified in your AutoAccounting structure to create your journal entries. Receivables lets you update accounting information for your credit memo after it has posted to your general ledger. Receivables keeps the original accounting information as an audit trail while it creates an offsetting entry and the new entry.


When you enter a deposit, Receivables creates the following journal entry:
DR Receivables (Deposit)
CR Offset Account

Use the AR: Deposit Offset Account Source profile option to determine how Receivables derives the Offset Account to credit for this deposit.

When you enter an invoice against this deposit, Receivables creates the following journal entries:
DR Receivables (Invoice)
CR Revenue
CR Tax (if you charge tax)
CR Freight (if you charge freight)
DR Offset Account (such as Unearned Revenue)
CR Receivables (Invoice)

When you apply an invoice to a deposit, Receivables creates a receivable adjustment against the invoice. Receivables uses the account information that you specified in your AutoAccounting structure to create these entries.
When cash is received against this deposit, Receivables creates the following journal entry:
DR Cash
CR Receivables (Deposit)


When you enter a guarantee, Receivables creates the following journal entry:
DR Receivables
CR Revenue
Receivables uses the Receivable Account and Revenue Account fields on this guarantee's transaction type to obtain the accounting flexfields for the Unbilled Receivables and Unearned Revenue accounts, respectively.

When you enter an invoice against this guarantee, Receivables creates the following journal entry:
DR Receivables (Invoice)
CR Revenue
CR Tax (if you charge tax)
CR Freight (if you charge freight)
DR Revenue
CR Receivables
When you apply an invoice to a guarantee, Receivables creates a receivable adjustment against the guarantee. Receivables uses the account information you specified in your AutoAccounting structure to create these entries.

When cash is received against this guarantee, Receivables creates the following journal entry:
DR Cash
CR Receivables (Invoice)

When you enter a receipt, Receivables creates the following journal entries:
DR Cash
CR Receivables

When you fully apply a receipt to an invoice, Receivables creates the following journal entry:
DR Cash
DR Unapplied Cash
CR Unapplied Cash
CR Receivables

When you enter an unidentified receipt, Receivables creates the following journal entry:
DR Cash
CR Unidentified

When you enter an on-account receipt, Receivables creates the following journal entry:
DR Cash
CR Unapplied
DR Unapplied
CR On-Account

When your receipt includes a discount, Receivables creates the following journal entry:
DR Receivables
CR Revenue
DR Cash
CR Receivables
DR Earned/Unearned Discount
CR Receivables
Receivables uses the default Cash, Unapplied, Unidentified, On-Account, Unearned,and Earned accounts that you specified in the Remittance Banks window for this receipt class.

When you enter a receipt and combine it with an on-account credit (which increases the balance of the receipt), Receivables creates the following journal entry:
DR Cash
CR Unapplied Cash

To close the receivable on the credit memo and increase the unapplied cash balance, Receivables creates the following journal entry:
DR Receivables
CR Unapplied Cash

When you enter a receipt and combine it with a negative adjustment, Receivables creates the following journal entries:
DR Cash
CR Receivables (Invoice)
DR Write-Off
CR Receivables (Invoice)
You set up a Write-Off account when defining your Receivables Activity.

When you enter a receipt and combine it with a positive adjustment, Receivables creates the following journal entries:
DR Cash
CR Receivables (Invoice)
DR Receivables (Invoice)
CR Write-Off

When you write off the unapplied amount on a receipt, Receivables creates the following journal entries:
DR Unapplied Cash
CR Write-off

When you enter a receipt and combine it with a Chargeback, Receivables creates the following journal entries:
DR Cash
CR Receivables (Invoice)
DR Receivables (Chargeback)
CR Chargeback (Activity)
DR Chargeback (Activity)
CR Receivables (Invoice)
You set up a Chargeback account when defining your Receivables Activity.
To move funds between receipts, you can apply one receipt to another open receipt (also called netting receipts). For example, you can move funds from Receipt 1 to Receipt 2 by opening Receipt 2 in the Applications window, and selecting Receipt 1 in the Apply To field.

Following the example above, Receivables creates these journal entries:
DR Unapplied Cash (Receipt 1)
CR Netting (Receipt 1)
DR Netting (Receipt 2)
CR Unapplied Cash (Receipt 2)
After this receipt-to-receipt application completes, Receipt 2 gains additional funds that
you can then apply to a debit item.
You set up a Netting account when defining your Receivables Activity.
Important: When netting receipts, both receipts must be in the same currency.
If both receipts are in a foreign currency, however, then you could have an exchange gain or loss when you net the receipts. The exchange gain or loss is realized on the main receipt (Receipt 2) at the time of receipt application (netting).
If you later adjust the exchange rate on Receipt 1 or 2, then Receivables:
• Rolls back all accounting for both receipts.
• Re-creates the accounting, including the netting application, using the adjusted exchange rate.
• Recalculates the exchange gain or loss on whichever receipt is open in the Applications window.


When you create a receipt that requires remittance to your bank, Receivables debits the Confirmation account instead of Cash. An example of a receipt requiring remittance would be a check before it was cashed. Receivables creates the following journal entry

when you enter such a receipt:
DR Confirmation
CR Receivables

You can then remit the receipt to your remittance bank using one of the two remittance methods: Standard or Factoring. If you remit your receipt using the standard method of remittance, Receivables creates the following journal entry:
DR Remittance
CR Confirmation

When you clear the receipt, Receivables creates the following journal entry:
DR Cash
DR Bank Charges
CR Remittance

If you remit your receipt using the factoring remittance method, Receivables creates the following journal entry:
DR Factor
CR Confirmation

When you clear the receipt, Receivables creates a short-term liability for receipts that mature at a future date. The factoring process let you receive cash before the maturity date, and assumes that you are liable for the receipt amount until the customer pays the balance on the maturity date. When you receive payment, Receivables creates the following journal entry:
DR Cash
DR Bank Charges
CR Short-Term Debt

On the maturity date, Receivables reverses the short term liability and creates the following journal entry:
DR Short-Term Debt
CR Factor


When you enter a negative adjustment against an invoice, Receivables creates the following journal entry:
DR Write-Off
CR Receivables (Invoice)

When you enter a positive adjustment against an invoice, Receivables creates the following journal entry:
DR Receivables (Invoice)
CR Write-Off
Debit Memos

When you enter a debit memo in the Transactions window, Receivables creates the following journal entries:
DR Receivables
CR Revenue (if you enter line amounts)
CR Tax (if you charge tax)
CR Freight (if you charge freight)
DR Receivables
CR Late Charges

On-Account Credits

When you enter an on-account credit in the Applications window, Receivables creates the following journal entry:
DR Revenue (if you credit line amounts)
DR Tax (if you credit tax)
DR Freight (if you credit freight)
CR Receivables (On-account Credit)
Receivables uses the Freight, Receivable, Revenue, and Tax accounts that you specified in your AutoAccounting structure to create these entries.

Once the on-account credit is applied to an invoice, the following journal entry is created:
DR Receivables (On-account Credit)
CR Receivables (Invoice)
Credit Card Refunds
Creating a credit card refund

When you unapply a receipt and reapply the receipt to a credit card refund, Receivables creates these journal entries:
DR Receivables
CR Unapplied
DR Unapplied
CR Receivable Activity (Clearing Account)

After you apply the receipt to a credit card refund, Receivables automatically creates a negative miscellaneous receipt in the amount of the refund and creates this journal entry:
DR Receivable Activity (Clearing Account)
CR Cash

Reversing a credit card refund
When you reverse a credit card refund, either by reversing the negative miscellaneous receipt or by unapplying the credit card refund activity, Receivables creates this journal entry for the negative miscellaneous receipt:
DR Cash
CR Receivable Activity (Clearing Account)
and Receivables creates this journal entry for the original payment receipt:
DR Receivables Activity (Clearing Account)
CR Unapplied


Creating an invoice related claim
When you record an invoice related short payment as a claim in the Applications window, Receivables creates the standard accounting entries for the invoice and for the receipt application. There are no additional accounting entries for the invoice related claim.

Creating a non-invoice related claim
When you record a non-invoice related short payment or over payment as a claim investigation application in the Applications window, Receivables creates these journal entries:
DR Claim Investigation
CR Unapplied Cash
Receivables derives the accounting flexfield for the claim investigation application from the receivable activity that you assigned in the Applications window.

Prepayment Accounting entries in Accounts Payables

When Prepayment Invoice is created.

Prepaid Expense A/c----------Dr
Liability A/c

When Prepayment Invoice is paid.

Liability A/c---------------------Dr
Bank/cash A/c

When Invoice is raised for Expense

Expense Charge A/c--------------Dr
Liability A/c

When Prepayment is applied to invoice it reverses the original prepaid invoice accounts creates the following accounts

Liability A/c------------------------Dr
Prepaid Expense A/c

AP Payments Issue

A check was paid against an invoice, and then voided, yet the check went out and was cashed.

1. Invoice created for 1000
2. Invoice paid for 1000
3. Payment was voided.
4. Check was sent to the supplier who cashed it.
5. Invoice was also canceled and another check against it was voided.

Solution Summary:
Create a 0 amount invoice with 2 distribution lines, 1 for the expense account as a debit and the other distribution lines to the cash account as a credit

Solution Explanation:
When the invoice was created if this was just a simple invoice created, invoice paid, payment voided, but check cleared, then the following has to be done:

Original invoice
Expense A/c--------Dr 1000
Liability A/c--------Cr 1000

Liability A/c--------Dr 1000
Cash A/c----------Cr 1000

Void payment
Cash A/c-----------Dr 1000
Liability A/c-------Cr 1000

But to take care of the voided check that cleared and was cashed, create a 0$ invoice with two new distribution lines:

Line 1 with 1000
Expense A/c--------Dr 1000
line 2 with -1000 (you fill in the expense account as the cash account)
Cash A/c------Cr 1000 (this is used in place of the expense account)

Here the amount for Liability A/c will be 0 once the invoice gets created.

So invoice is still owed, and we issue a 0 amount manual payment check
Liability A/c--------Dr 0
Cash A/c----------Cr 0

Fixed Asset Accounting

Asset Additions

Asset cost A/c------------------------------Dr
         Asset Clearing A/c------------------Cr

Asset Retirements

Accumulated depreciation A/c--------------Dr
Retirement gain/loss A/c----------------------Dr(Asset book)  
        Asset cost A/c----------------------------Cr

Asset Retirements with Proceeds of sales

Accumulated depreciation A/c--------------Dr
Proceeds of sales A/c--------------------------Dr
              Asset cost A/c------------------------Cr
              Gain/loss A/c-------------------------Cr

Asset Reclassification

Asset cost A/c------------------------------Dr (New Asset Category)
Accumulated depreciation A/c-----------Dr (Old Asset Category)
        Asset cost A/c------------------------Cr (Old Asset Category)
       Accumulated depreciation A/c------Cr (New Asset Category)


Depreciation Expense A/c-----------------Dr
        Accumulated depreciation A/c------Cr

When Cost adjustment made, amount is increased

Depreciation Expense A/c-----------------Dr
Asset cost A/c-------------------------------Dr
          Accumulated depreciation A/c------Cr
          Asset Clearing A/c--------------------Cr

Same entries will be reversed when amount is decreased
These accounts are taken from asset category


Sales order entry
No Accounting

Sales Order Pick
Sub Inventory A/c---------------Dr At Std Cost
             Sub-inventory Material A/c Setup
To Inventory A/c----------------Cr At Std Cost(Staging)
            Sub-inventory Material A/c Setup

Ship Confirm
No Accounting

Sales Order Issue
COGS A/c-------------------Dr It can be fetched from five places
    Master Item/Org/Order Type/Line Type/Shipping Paramts
To Sub Inventory A/c------Cr At Std Cost
   Sub-inventory Material A/c Setup

Transaction level
Receivable A/c------------------------Dr
        Transaction type
To Revenue A/c-----------------------Cr
        Transaction type
To Frieght A/c------------------------Cr
       Transaction type
To Tax A/c----------------------------Cr
        Tax codes

Cash/Bank A/c------------------------Dr
To Receivable A/c--------------------Cr
      Transaction type


Creation of Requisition
No Accounting

Creation of Purchase Order
No Accounting

Receiving of Goods 
Receiving A/c----------------------Dr At PO Price
                 Receiving Option Setup
To AP Accrual A/c------------------Cr At PO Price
                 Inventory Org Setup

Delivery of Goods 
Raw Material Sub Inventory A/c-----Dr At Standard Cost
                  Sub-inventory Material A/c Setup
Po Price VarianceA/c ----------------Dr Diff between PO-Stnd
                  Inventory Org Setup
To Receiving A/c----------------------Cr At PO Price
                  Receiving Option Setup

Invoice matching with PO
AP Accrual Liability A/c------------Dr At PO Price
                  Receiving Option Setup
Invoice Price Variance A/c---------Dr Diff btw Invoice-PO
                  Inventory Org Setup
To AP Liability A/c-------------------Cr At Invoice Price
                  Financial Options/Supplier Site

On making Payment
Liability A/c-----------------------Dr At Invoice Price
                  Financial Options/Supplier Site
To Cash-----------------------------Cr At Invoice Price
                  Bank A/c Setup

Enter purchase order
When you enter a purchase order, accounts are created and stored with the purchase order distribution. The accounts will eventually be used as a basis for creating accounting that is sent to the general ledger. Creating a purchase order in and of itself generates no accounting that is sent to the general ledger.

When you process a receipt, no accounting is created for period end accruals.Receipts that are accrued at period end will always be for a destination type ofexpense.

Deliver and cost
When you deliver a receipt to its final destination, no accounting is created.The expense will be recorded after matching to the purchase order, running the Payables Accounting process and subsequently running the Payables Transfer to General Ledger process.

Period end accrual
If an invoice is not entered by period end, the Receipt Accruals - Period End process will generate accruals and transfer the accounting for them to the GL Interface. Use the Journal Import program to create unposted journals. This journal is created with a reversal date in a subsequent period. The journal must be reversed so your receipt liability is not overstated.

Reverse accrual in the general ledger
In the subsequent period, reverse the prior period accrual.

Invoice and match
Entering an invoice and matching creates a debit to the Inventory AP Accrual account to clear the liability for the uninvoiced receipt. The entire credit is to the AP Liability account that defaults from the supplier site if the invoice unit price is the same as the purchase order line unit price. Any difference is charged to the Invoice Price Variance account.For items with destination type of Expense, the Invoice Price Variance account will be the same as the charge account. The AP Liability account is cleared when a payment is processed.

Transactions - Account Receivables

1. Invoice.
2. Credit memo.
3. Debit memo.
4. Deposit.
5. Guarantee.
6. Chargeback.
7. Bills Receivables.

Invoices - Account Payables

Regular Invoice

1. Standard invoice.
2. Credit memo.
3. Debit memo.
4. Prepayment.
5. Expense report.
6. QuckMatch.
7. Mixed invoice.
8. PO default.
9.Withholding Tax invoice.

Special Invoice

1. Recurring invoice.
2. Interest invoice.


Flexfield Qualifiers

1. Cost Center Segment - This attribute is used to identify the cost center segment.
2. Natural Account Segment - This attribute is used to identify the natural account segment.
3. Balancing Segment- This attribute is used to identify the balancing segment. This is typically the company segment.
4. Intercompany Segment - This attribute is used to identify the intercompany segment.
5. Secondary Tracking Segment - This attribute is used to identify the secondary tracking segment to process income statement closing, translation and revaluation.

In R12
6. Management Segment- This attribute is used to identify the management segment.
7. Ledger Segment- This attribute is used to identify the ledger segment.

Segment Qualifiers

1. Allow budgeting
2. Allow posting
3. Account type (asset, liability, expense, revenue, or equity)
4. Control account
5. Reconciliation flag

Key FlexFields




Account Generator
A feature that uses Oracle Workflow to provide various Oracle Applications with the ability to construct Accounting Flexfield combinations automatically using custom construction criteria. You define a group of steps that determine how to fill in your Accounting Flexfield segments. You can define additional processes and/or modify the default process(es), depending on the application.

Accounting rules
Rules that you can use for imported and manually entered transactions to specify revenue recognition schedules. You can define an accounting rule in which revenue is recognized over a fixed or variable period of time.

Accrual basis accounting
A method of accounting in which you recognize revenues in the accounting period in which you earn revenues and recognize expenses in the accounting period in which you incur the expense. Both revenues and expenses need to be measurable to be reportable.

A Receivables feature that allows you to increase or decrease the amount due of your invoice, debit memo, chargeback, deposit, or guarantee. Receivables lets you create manual or automatic adjustments.

Aging buckets
In Oracle Receivables and Oracle Payables, time periods you define to age your debit items. Aging buckets are used in the Aging reports to see both current and outstanding debit items. For example, you can define an aging bucket that includes all debit items that are 1 to 30 days past due. Applications Desktop Integrator uses the aging buckets you define for its Invoice Aging Report.

Approval limits
Limits you assign to users for creating adjustments and approving credit memo requests. Receivables enforces the limits that you define here when users enter receivables adjustments or approve credit memo requests initiated from iReceivables. When users enter adjustments that are within their approval limit, Receivables automatically approves the adjustment. When users enter adjustments outside their approval limit, Receivables assigns a status of pending to the adjustment.

In Oracle Receivables, a feature that lets you determine how the Accounting Flexfields for your revenue, receivable, freight, tax, unbilled receivable and unearned revenue account types are created.

A feature used to automatically adjust the remaining balances of your invoices, debit memos, and chargebacks that meet the criteria that you define.

A feature in Oracle General Ledger that automates journal batch validation and generation for MassAllocations, Recurring Journals, MassBudgets, Project Allocations and Mass Encumbrances. You can create parallel and step-down autoallocation sets.

An option that allows you to specify whether you want Oracle Receivables to determine the customer using invoice numbers if the customer cannot be identified from either the magnetic ink character recognition (MICR) number or the customer number. Receivables checks the invoice numbers until it finds a unique invoice number for a customer. Receivables then uses this invoice number to identify the customer. You can only use this feature if your bank transmits invoice numbers and if the AutoLockbox Validation program can identify a unique customer for a payment using an invoice number. Otherwise, Receivables treats the payment as unidentified.

AutoCash Rule
A feature that Post QuickCash uses to automatically apply receipts to a customer’s open items. AutoCash Rules include: Apply to the Oldest Invoice First, Clear the Account, Clear Past Due Invoices, Clear Past Due Invoices Grouped by Payment Term, and Match Payment with Invoice.

AutoCash Rule Set
A feature that determines the order of the AutoCash Rules that the Post QuickCash program will use when automatically applying receipts to a customer’s open items. You can choose to include discounts, finance charges, and items in dispute when calculating your customer’s open balance.

A program that imports invoices, credit memos, and on-account credits from other systems to Oracle Receivables.

A feature that automatically determines the offset (or credit) entry for your allocation entry. AutoOffset automatically calculates the net of all previous journal lines in your allocation entry, reverses the sign, and generates the contra amount.

An Oracle Cash Management feature that allows you to reconcile bank statements automatically. This process automatically reconciles bank statement details with the appropriate batch, journal entry, or transaction, based on user-defined system parameters and setup. Oracle Cash Management generates all necessary accounting entries.


Balancing segment
An Accounting Flexfield segment that you define so that General Ledger automatically balances all journal entries for each value of this segment. For example, if your company segment is a balancing segment, General Ledger ensures that, within every journal entry, the total debits to company 1 equal the total credits to company 1.

Bill of Exchange
In Oracle Receivables, an agreement made with your customer in which they promise to pay a specified amount on a specific date (called the maturity date) for goods or services. This process involves the transfer of funds from your customer’s bank account to your bank account.
In Oracle Cash Management, a method of payment involving the transfer of funds between bank accounts, where one party promises to pay another a specified amount on a specified date.
In Oracle Payables, a method of payment. Also known as a future dated payment in some countries.

Budgetary control
An Oracle Financials feature you use to control actual and anticipated expenditures against a budget. When budgetary control is enabled, you can check funds online for transactions, and you can reserve funds for transactions by creating encumbrances. Oracle Financials automatically calculates funds available (budget less encumbrances less actual expenditures) when you attempt to reserve funds for a transaction. Oracle Financials notifies you online if funds available are insufficient for your transaction.

Absolute: The transaction is rejected if sufficient funds are not available.
Advisory: The transaction is accepted when sufficient funds are not available, but a the system issues a warning notification that available funds are exceeded.
None: The transaction is accepted and no funds check is performed.

Business group
The highest level of organization and the largest grouping of employees across which a company can report. A business group can correspond to an entire company, or to a specific division within the company. Each installation of Oracle Projects uses one business group with one hierarchy


Cash basis accounting
In Oracle Receivables, an accounting method that lets you recognize revenue at the time payment is received for an invoice.In Oracle Payables, an accounting method in which you only recognize an expense when you incur the expense. With the Cash Basis Accounting, Payables only creates accounting entries for invoice payments

Cash Clearing Account
The cash clearing account you associate with a payment document. You use this account if you account for payments at clearing time. Oracle Payables credits this account instead of your Asset (Cash) account and debits your Liability account when you create accounting entries for uncleared payments. Oracle Payables debits this account and credits your Asset (Cash) account once you clear your payments in Oracle Cash Management.

A new debit item that you assign to your customer when closing an existing, outstanding debit item.

Chart of accounts
The account structure your organization uses to record transactions and maintain account balances.

A discrepancy between the billed amount and the paid amount. Claims are often referred to as deductions, but a claim can be positive or negative.

Clearing account
An account used to ensure that both sides of an accounting transaction are recorded. For example, Oracle General Ledger uses clearing accounts to balance intercompany transactions. When you purchase an asset, your payables group creates a journal entry to the asset clearing account. When your fixed assets group records the asset, they create an offset journal entry to the asset clearing account to balance the entry from the payables group.

Combined basis accounting
A method of accounting that combines both Accrual Basis Accounting and Cash Basis Accounting. With Combined Basis of Accounting, you use two separate sets of books, one for the accrual basis accounting method and the other for the cash basis accounting method. Payables creates journal entries for invoices and payments to post to your accrual set of books and creates journal entries for payments to post to your cash set of books.

In Oracle Receivables and Oracle Payables, a contractual guarantee with a customer for future purchases, usually involving deposits or prepayments. You can create invoices against the commitment to absorb the deposit or prepayment. Receivables automatically records all necessary accounting entries for your commitments.
In Oracle General Ledger, an encumbrance type typically associated with purchase requisitions to track expenditures. You can view funds available and report on commitments. Oracle Order Management allows you to enter order lines against commitments.

Construction-in-process (CIP) asset
A depreciable fixed asset you plan to build during a capital project. The costs associated with building CIP assets are referred to as CIP costs. You construct CIP assets over a period of time rather than buying a finished asset. Oracle Assets lets you create, maintain, and add to your CIP assets as you spend money for material and labor to construct them. When you finish the assets and place them in service (capitalize them), Oracle Assets begins depreciating them.

Control account
An accounting segment status for an account combination. This type of account is used in subledgers such as Payables or Receivables. Control accounts are used to maintain special balances for third parties per period. You should not change control accounts from a General Ledger responsibility; define and use security to protect your control accounts.

Control amount
A feature you use to specify the total amount available for payment of a recurring payment. When you generate invoices for a recurring payment, Oracle Payables uses the control amount and the total number of payments to determine the invoice amount.

Cedit invoice
An invoice you receive from a supplier representing a credit amount that the supplier owes to you. A credit invoice can represent a quantity credit or a price reduction.

Credit items
Any item you can apply to an open debit item to reduce the balance due for a customer. Oracle Receivables includes credit memos, on-account credits, and unapplied and on-account cash as credit items. Credit items remain open until you apply the full amount to debit items.

Cross-validation rules
Rules that restrict the user from entering invalid key flexfield segment value combinations during data entry. For example, you may set up a cross-validation rule that disallows using department segments with balance sheet accounts.


Debit invoice
An invoice you generate to send to a supplier representing a credit amount that the supplier owes to you. A debit invoice can represent a quantity credit or a price reduction.

Debit items
Any item that increases your customer’s balance. Oracle Receivables includes invoices, debit memos, and chargebacks as debit items. Debit items remain open until the balance due is zero.

Debit memos
Debits that you assign to a customer to collect additional charges. For example, you may want to charge a customer for unearned discounts taken, additional freight charges, taxes, or finance charges.

Deferred depreciation
The difference between the depreciation expense for an asset in a tax book and its depreciation expense in the associated corporate book.

Descriptive Flexfield
A field that your organization can extend to capture extra information not otherwise tracked by Oracle Applications. A descriptive flexfield appears in your window as a single character, unnamed field. Your organization can customize this field to capture
additional information unique to your business.

Direct debit
An agreement made with your customer to allow the transfer of funds from their bank account to your bank account. The transfer of funds occurs when the bank receives a document or tape containing the invoices to be paid.

Distribution line
In Oracle Payables and Oracle Projects, a line corresponding to an accounting transaction for an expenditure item on an invoice, or a liability on a payment.

Distribution set
In Oracle Receivables, a predefined group of general ledger accounting codes that determine the debit accounts for other receipt payments. Receivables lets you relate distribution sets to receivables activities to speed data entry.
In Oracle Payables, a feature you use to assign a name to a predefined expense distribution or combination of distributions (by percentage). Payables displays on a list of values the list of Distributions Sets you define. With Distribution Sets, you can enter
routine invoices into Payables without having to enter accounting information.

Document sequence
A unique number that is manually or automatically assigned to documents such as bank statements in Oracle Cash Management, invoices in Oracle Receivables, or journal entries in Oracle General Ledger. Also used to provide an audit trail. Many countries require all documents to be sequentially numbered. Document sequencing can also be used in Public Sector implementations to comply with reporting and audit requirements.

Dynamic insertion
An optional Accounting Flexfields feature that allows you to create new account combinations during data entry in Oracle Applications. By enabling this feature, it prevents having to define every possible account combination that can exist. Define cross-validation rules when using this feature.


Earned discounts
Discounts your customers are allowed to take if they remit payment for their invoices on or before the discount date. The discount date is determined by the payment terms assigned to an invoice. Oracle Receivables takes into account any discount grace days you assign to this customer’s credit profile. For example, if the discount due date is the 15th of each month, but discount grace days is 5, your customer must pay on or before the 20th to receive the earned discount. Discounts are determined by the terms you assign to an invoice during invoice entry.

Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
A method of payment in which your bank transfers funds electronically from your bank account into another bank account. In Payables your bank transfers funds from your bank account into the bank account of a supplier you pay with the Electronic payment method.

Encumbrance accounting
An Oracle Financials feature you use to create encumbrances automatically for requisitions, purchase orders, and invoices. The budgetary control feature uses encumbrance accounting to reserve funds for budgets. If you enable encumbrance accounting only, you can create encumbrances automatically or manually; however, you
cannot check funds online and Oracle Financials does not verify available funds for your transaction.
Examples of encumbrance types are commitments (requisition encumbrances) and obligations (purchase order encumbrances).


The process by which you sell your accounts receivable to a financial institution (such as a bank) in return for cash. Financial institutions usually charge a fee for factoring.

Finance charges
Additional charges that you assign to customers for past due items. You specify whether you want to charge your customers finance charges in their customer profiles. Finance charges can be included on your customer’s statements and dunning letters.

Financial Statement Generator
A powerful and flexible report building tool for Oracle General Ledger. You can design and generate fiancial reports, apply security rules to control access to data via reports, and use specific features to improve reporting productivity.

An Oracle Applications field made up of segments. Each segment has an assigned name and a set of valid values. Oracle Applications uses flexfields to capture information about your organization. There are two types of flexfields: key flexfields and descriptive flexfields.

Foreign currency conversion
A process in Oracle Applications that converts a foreign currency transaction into your functional currency using and exchange rate you specify.

Foreign currency revaluation
A process that allows you to revalue assets and liabilities denominated in a foreign currency using a period-end (usually a balance sheet date) exchange rate. Oracle General Ledger automatically revalues your foreign assets and liabilities using the period-end exchange rate you specify. Revaluation gains and losses result from fluctuations in an exchange rate between a transaction date and a balance sheet date. General Ledger automatically creates a journal entry to adjust your unrealized gain/loss account when you run revaluation.

Foreign currency translation
A process that allows you to restate your functional currency account balances into a reporting currency. Oracle General Ledger multiplies the average, periodic, or historical rate you define by your functional currency account balances to perform foreign currency translation.


Journal details tables
Journal details are stored in the database tables GL_JE_BATCHES, GL_JE_HEADERS, and GL_JE_LINES.
Journal Import
A General Ledger program that creates journal entries from transaction data stored in the General Ledger GL_INTERFACE table. Journal entries are created and stored in


Key flexfield
An intelligent key that uniquely identifies an application entity. Each key flexfield segment has a name you assign, and a set of valid values you specify. Each value has a meaning you also specify. You use this Oracle Applications feature to build custom fields used for entering and displaying information relating to your business. The following application uses the listed Key Flexfields:
Oracle General Ledger - Accounting
Oracle Projects - Accounting, Category Flexfield, Location, Asset Key.
Oracle Payables - Accounting, System Items.
Oracle Receivables - Accounting, Sales Tax Location, Systems Items, Territory.


Legal entity
An organization that represents a legal company for which you prepare fiscal or tax reports. You assign tax identifiers and other relevant information to this entity.

A service that commercial banks offer corporate customers to enable them to outsource their accounts receivable payment processing. Lockbox processors set up special postal codes to receive payments, deposit funds and provide electronic account receivable input to corporate customers.

In Oracle Receivables, codes that you define for the activities and terminology you use in your business. These codes appear in lists of values in many Receivables windows. For example, you can define Lookups for personal titles, such as ’Sales Manager’, so you can
refer to people using these titles.
In Oracle Payables, a feature you use to create reference information you use in your business. This reference information appears in lists of values for many of the fields in Payables windows. There are three basic kinds of Lookups: supplier, payables, and employee. With Lookups you can create Pay Groups, supplier types, and other references used in Payables.


A single journal entry formula that allocates revenues and expenses across a group of cost centers, departments, divisions, and so on. For example, you might want to allocate your employee benefit costs to each of your departments based on headcount in each department.

In Oracle Payables and Oracle Assets, the process of comparing purchase order, invoice, and receiving information to verify that ordering, billing, and receiving information is consistent within accepted tolerance levels. Payables uses matching to control payments to suppliers. You can use the matching feature in Payables if you have Purchasing or another purchasing system. Payables supports two-, three-, and four-way matching.

2-way matching
The process of verifying that purchase order and invoice information matches within accepted tolerance levels. Payables uses the following criteria to verify two-way
matching: Invoice price <= Order price
Quantity billed <= Quantity ordered

3-way matching
The process of verifying that purchase order, invoice, and receiving information matches within accepted tolerance levels. Payables uses the following criteria to verify three-way
matching: Invoice price <= Purchase Order price
Quantity billed <= Quantity ordered
Quantity billed <= Quantity received

4-way matching
The process of verifying that purchase order, invoice, and receiving information matches within accepted tolerance levels. Payables uses the following criteria to verify four-way
matching: Invoice price <= Order price
Quantity billed <= Quantity ordered
Quantity billed <= Quantity received
Quantity billed <= Quantity accepted

Matching tolerances
The acceptable degrees of variance you define for matched invoices and purchase orders. Payables measures variance between quantities and item prices for invoices and purchase orders. You can define tolerances for order quantities, including Maximum
Quantity Ordered and Maximum Quantity Received. You can also define tolerances for price variances, including exchange rate amounts, shipment amounts, and total amounts. If any of the variances between a matched invoice and purchase order exceed the tolerances you specify, Validation places the invoice on hold.

Miscellaneous receipts
A feature that lets you record payments that you do not apply to debit items, such as refunds and interest income.

Mixed invoice
Mixed Invoices are invoices or credit/debit memos for which you can perform both positive and negative matching to purchase orders and to other invoices.
For example, you can enter an invoice for -$100 with Invoice Type Mixed. You can match to an invoice for $-200, and match to a purchase order for $100.

Multiple organizations
The ability to define multiple organizations and the relationships among them within a single installation of Oracle Applications. These organizations can be sets of books, business groups, legal entities, operating units, or inventory organizations.


Natural account segment
In Oracle General Ledger, the segment that determines whether an account is an asset, liability, owners’ equity, revenue, or expense account. When you define your chart of accounts, you must define one segment as the natural account segment. Each value for this segment is assigned one of the five account types.

Natural Application Only
A Transaction Type parameter that, if enabled, does not let you apply a transaction to a debit item if the application will reverse the sign of the debit item (for example, from a positive to a negative balance). Natural Application does not apply to chargebacks and adjustments.


Offset account
An offset account is used to balance journal entries in your General Ledger. For example, offsetting accounts for a guarantee are the Unbilled Receivables and the Unbilled Revenue accounts.

Payments where you intentionally apply all or part of the payment amount to a customer without reference to a debit item. On-account examples include prepayments and deposits.

On-account credits
Credits that you assign to your customer’s account that are not related to a specific invoice. You can create on-account credits in the Transactions window or using AutoInvoice.

On-account payment
The status of a payment of which you apply all or part of its amount to a customer without reference to a specific debit item. Examples of these are prepayments and deposits.

operating unit
An organization that partitions data for subledger products (AP, AR, PA, PO, OE). It is roughly equivalent to a single pre-Multi-Org installation.

A business unit such as a company, division, or department. Organization can refer to a complete company, or to divisions within a company. Typically, you define an organization or a similar term as part of your account when you implement Oracle Financials.

A Transaction Type parameter that, if enabled, lets you apply a transaction to a debit item even if it will reverse the sign of the debit item (for example, from a positive to a negative balance). Overapplication applies to debit items such as debit memos, deposits, guarantees, credit memos, and on-account credits.


Pay Group
A feature you use to select invoices for payment in a payment batch. You can define a Pay Group and assign it to one or more suppliers. You can override the supplier’s Pay Group on individual invoices. For example, you can create an Employee Pay Group to pay your employee expenses separately from other ivoices.

Payment document
A medium you use to instruct your bank to disburse funds from your bank account to the bank account or site location of a supplier. With Oracle Payables you can make payments using several types of payment documents. You can send your supplier a check that you manually create or computer-generate. You can instruct your bank to transfer funds to the bank account of a supplier. For each payment document, you can generate a separate remittance advice. Payables updates your invoice scheduled payment the same way regardless of which payment document you use to pay an invoice. Payables also allows you to instruct your bank to pay in a currency different from your functional currency, if you enable the multiple currency system option and define a multi-currency payment format.

Payment method
In Oracle Payables, a feature that allows you to make invoice payments using a variety of methods. You can disburse funds using checks, electronic funds transfers, and wire transfers. Oracle Payables updates your payment schedules the same way regardless of which payment method you use. You can assign a payment method to suppliers, supplier sites, invoice payment schedule lines, and payment formats. You can then assign one or more payment formats to a bank account. You can have multiple payment formats for each payment method.

Payment schedules
The due date and discount date for payment of an invoice. For example, the payment term ’2% 10, Net 30’ lets a customer take a two percent discount if payment is received within 10 days with the full invoice amount due within 30 days of the invoice date.

Payment terms
The due date and discount date for payment of a transaction. For example, the payment term ’2% 10, Net 30’ lets a customer take a two percent discount if payment is received within 10 days; after 10 days, the entire balance is due within 30 days of the invoice
date with no applicable discount.

PO Default
Enter PO Default as the invoice type if you know the purchase order you want to match to, but you do not know to which purchase order shipments or distributions you want to match. When you enter a PO Default invoice in the Invoice Workbench, Payables prompts you to enter the purchase order number and then automatically copies the supplier name, supplier number, currency, and payment terms from that purchase order to the invoice. When you choose the Match button, Payables retrieves all purchase order shipments or receipt lines associated with the specified purchase order. You can then match to any shipment, distribution, or receipt line.

Profile option
A set of options that control access to certain features throughout Oracle Applications and determines how data is processed. Generally, profile options can be set at the Site, Application, Responsibility, and User levels.

Proxima payment terms
A payment term you define for invoices due on the same day each period, such as your credit card or telephone bills. When you define a proxima payment term, you specify a cutoff day and the day of month due. This type of payment term is also used with consolidated billing invoices.

Purchase requisition
An internal request for goods or services. A requisition can originate from an employee or from another process, such as inventory or manufacturing. Each requisition can include many lines, generally with a distinct item on each requisition line. Each requisition line includes at least a description of the item, the unit of measure, the quantity needed, the price per item, and the Accounting Flexfield you are charging for the item. Also known as internal requisition.


Quick payment
A feature you use to create an automatic payment on demand. With Quick payment, you choose the invoices you want to pay, and Payables creates a single payment. You can also void and reissue a Quick payment if your printer spoils it while printing.

A feature that lets you enter receipts quickly by providing only minimal information. After using QuickCash to enter your receipts, you can post your payment batches to your customer accounts by running Post QuickCash.

QuckMatch invoice
Enter QuickMatch as the invoice type if you want to match an invoice to all shipments or receipt lines on a purchase order. When you enter a QuickMatch invoice in the Invoice Workbench, Payables prompts you to enter the purchase order number and automatically enters the supplier name, supplier number, currency, and payment terms for the invoice. When you choose the Match button, Payables automatically navigates to the match window, and selects all shipments that have an unbilled quantity, as long as they are not finally closed. You can choose to complete the match or override the matching information.